

TF Metropolis - Wordpress Themes

Web But all people aren’t web developer or programmer. So what can people do?
Of course, you have a chance to have best demo site. We suggest you this best one. It doesn’t need your knowledge on CSS or PHP . It gives you abilities to manage your site very simple. For example, if you want to change your site color, size and layout you could just work on admin panel and additional options. It is easy to draw your site corporate style.

Main features

  • Crawlable AJAX
  • Can select main color aspect with color picker
  • Every single pages can hold title background
  • Blog layouts – Unique 55 layouts
  • Fullwidth – 1 column, 11 styles / 2 columns, 3 styles / 3 columns / 4 columns / 5 columns
  • Left sidebar – 1 column, 7 styles / 2 columns, 3 styles / 3 columns
  • Right sidebar – 1 column, 7 styles / 2 columns, 3 styles / 3 columns
  • All the pages can be masonry style
  • Page layouts – Unique 12 page layouts
  • Fullwidth – 3 styles
  • Left sidebar – 5 styles
  • Right sidebar – 5 styles
  • All the pages can be masonry style
  • Portfolio layouts – Unique 12 portfolio layouts
  • Fullwidth – 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 columns
  • Left sidebar – 1, 2 and 3 columns
  • Right sidebar – 1, 2 and 3 columns
  • All the pages can be masonry style
  • Powerful shortcodes – 22 main shortcodes, unlimited options with shortcode generator.
  • Featured shorcodes some of them:
  • Services + 4 templates
  • Recent post/portfolio + 3 templates. Custom image size, post count, ordering, include/exclude category and excerpt ON/OFF.
  • Lightbox
  • Contact form + Selection of some popular inputs
  • List shortcode + 10 icons
  • Image slider
  • Testimonial slider
  • Integrated Facebook comment – You can choose fb comments or wp default commenting system.
  • Post format – Audio, video, Image and Quote
  • Additional post types – Portfolio and Slideshow
  • Integrated Masonry jQuery plugin – Masonry is a dynamic grid layout plugin for jQuery. Think of it as the flip-side of CSS floats. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically, positioning each element in the next open spot in the grid. The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall.
  • Additional widgets
  • Themeton recent posts – You will can get many different styles from Posts or Portfolio items with this widget.
  • Themeton recent tweets
  • Themeton social links – Including 25 social icons
  • Note: All the widgets has extended page visibility selections. This feature will helps you to show different sidebars as like custom sidebar. Note2: You will can show all of the shortcodes on your sidebar/footer with text widgets.
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