

IT WineStore - Joomla Templates

As the name notice, IT WineStore Joomla Theme is the perfect choice for your Wine or Alcoholic shop website. With this excellent template you will have everything pre-made and exclusively for IT WineStore, we have included:

  • E-commerce Ready (with Virtuemart extension)
  • New shopping cart (IceVmCart module)
  • New Product Search by Parameters (IceVmFilter module)

On the other hand, as all our previous Professional Joomla Themes, IT WineStore features a extraordinary design, with 6 available vibrant color schemes to make sure that your website can be immediately distinguish itself from the crowd

We know that you like more to view the magic with your eyes rather than read long boring lines of presentation.

Unique Features
  • E-commerce ready with the VirtueMart extension
  • Display easily your Products with the modified IceTabs Module!
  • Let your visitors dynamically update their shopping cart with the new IceVmCart Module
  • Organize perfectly your shop categories with the IceMenu Module
  • Let your uses pick exactly the product that they are looking for with the new IceVmFilter Module
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