

MX Joomla42 - Joomla Templates

Mx_joomla42 has slideshow module with images and optional text info loading for every image.

An overview of key features:

  • Joomla 1.5 compatible
  • All module positions are fully collapsible
  • 3, 2, 1 column layout
  • RTL template.
  • SliderShow Gallery module
  • Pattern background
  • Cufon font choices
  • Right and left column switch
  • Dark version included
  • Transparent header and footer optional fixed or scrolled
  • Accordion Menu
  • Moomenu vertical
  • 2 horizontal menu options: moo dropdown menu and suckerfish drop-down menus
  • Newsflash module
  • Bookmarks floating module
  • Dropdown module
  • Top panel module
  • Font resizing
  • Adjustable width 1024px 800px and auto
  • 26 Module positions
  • XHTML Transitional
  • CSS Based Tableless Design
  • Color chooser 5 styles gray, blue, green, red and orange
  • Tooltips enabled
  • Lytebox enabled
  • Tab modules
  • Png fixed for internet explorer 6
  • IE6 warning
  • Include logo.psd and font
  • Demo installer for joomla1.5 version
  • Mozilla/Firefox/IE/Safari/Camino/Opera Friendly

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