

PPD BluePrint - Joomla Templates

BluePrint” is a modern and fast loading commercial template for Joomla 1.7 and 2.5+. Its design and layout follows the Responsive design guidlines which means it looks good on most devices, from a small mobil screen to a huge desktop display.
The template itself was created for a fictional App or Webtool provider, but of course you can use it for a lot of other purposes.

The package includes the templates installation file, the sliced Photoshop source file and a documentation.

“BluePrint” provides more than 100 different modulepositions, comes with a build in “Suckerfish” dropdown menu and “Modal” script and a “slider” area for up to 12 modulepositions. It based on pure and valid HTML 5/CSS 2.1 code (+ additional CSS3 files) and comes with an advanced template setup to edit/customize all settings with a few clicks.


CSS3 effects

The templates advanced configuration let you turn on the CSS3 mode witch enables nice new CSS effects. Users with older browsers (sorry Internet Explorer users!) will see the default version.

Module slider

The template comes with a build-in module slider. It lets you setup up to 12 modules (videos, images, text, whatever module you install) and your visitors can slide between ´em.

Advanced configuration

“BluePrint” comes with an extended advanced configuration which lets you change all important template parameters right from your Joomla backend with a few clicks.

PSD included

The sliced and layered Photoshop CS+ source file(s) which we use to create this Joomla template are included in the download package. They make it easy to create own graphics.

Highly flexible

“BluePrint” comes with more than 40 different modulepositions. All of them are collapsible and very flexible, so you are able to setup nearly any layout you want.

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